Jumping on to the fitness-focussed smartwatch bandwagon, Acer has announced the all new Liquid Leap. The device will be bundled with company’s 5-inch Liquid Jade. In terms of specs, Acer hasn’t disclosed much except the 17mm width of the device. Acer is expected to launch the Liquid Leap and Jade in late July or early August.
The fitness band reportedly won’t be a comprehensive smartwatch and is likely to feature a simple display that shows alerts and notifications. Reports circulating the web reveal that it won’t be running Android Weareither.
Though at a nascent stage, the wearable market appears to have a lot of potential. Samsung has already launched Tizen-based Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo smartwatches while Apple is rumoured to showcase its iWatch at the upcoming WWDC. Apple is working on a complete heath app called Healthbook for the iWatch that would work in tandem with the iPhone 6.
Google has also announced the Android Wear, a project open to software makers to create apps for the watches, putting the company at the forefront of efforts to jumpstart the nascent wearable computing market. The first smartwatches to come powered with the new wearable mobile OS are the LG G Watch and the Motorola Moto 360.
Acer is expected to launch the Liquid Leap and Jade in late July or early August.
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